
Here's a round-up of the latest features and enhancements we have added to Asset Bank's Digital Asset Management software.

Any client in Asset Bank's support programme can access these features. Contact us now to find out more or join our support programme. Latest Asset Bank features and enhancements 

  • HTML slideshow - You can now embed or preview slideshows in HTML5 making them compatible with devices that don't support Adobe Flash such as an iPad.
  • Improved checking for duplicates - Asset Bank can now check for duplicate assets on upload using perceptual hashes as well as file name and file size information. This mean Asset Bank can identify different sized versions and is tolerant to minor changes.
  • Flexibility with news items - News items can now be displayed in a category as well as the home page, and can be visible to different groups of users.
  • Flexibility with featured assets - You can now pick different featured assets for different sets of users.
  • Change default browse view - Set the default browse view to 'panel', 'list' or 'minimal' for each category.
  • Create sub-admins - Asset Bank now has a two level admin system so you can create sub admins for certain aspects of admin functionality; reports, user administration or news administration.
  • Search by date from home page - You can now add date pickers to your home page search box.
  • Export assets with metadata and thumbnails - Exports assets in excel spreadsheets with meta data and thumbnail images.
  • Refreshed UI - We have made a number of improvements to the usability of Asset Bank including; improved search box style, larger thumbnails, responsive layout to key pages, new iconography, consistent layout of checkboxes and radio buttons, image hover previews in the lightbox, and a number of improvements for tablet browsers.

Find out more about the latest updates or contact us if you would like to get these upgrades and / or join our support program.


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